Acupressure Bodywork is the traditional Chinese medicine art of balancing Chi energy—the circulating life force in the body—by stimulating its healthy flow along energy pathways called meridians. Practiced through clothing, practitioners utilize finger and elbow pressure on the same meridian points stimulated with needles in Acupuncture. During treatment there is elongation of the muscle fibers, which contributes to the release of toxins and waste materials within the tissues, and an increase in the circulation of oxygenated blood, thereby promoting cellular nutrition and stronger resistance to disease.
Through acupressure, the body is rebalanced, which prompts a reduction in emotional and psychological tensions. As with most bodywork, there is a stronger sense of body awareness after a treatment. Acupressure is used to relieve pain, increase blood circulation, remove toxins from the tissues, and treat many conditions including muscular aches, sinus congestion, headaches, menstrual difficulties, and discomforts of pregnancy and labor.
Aromatherapy Massage
I only use doTERRA brand essential oils. I've been using and working with essential oils for over 25 years and doTERRA eo's are, in my opinion, a superior grade of essential oil. They are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) which means you can also ingest many of them and they are an extrememly effective tool in healing the body, mind and spirit.
Aromatherapy uses the purest plant essence in the form of organic essential oils, which are extracts from various parts of plants, fruits, flowers, bark, roots, or resin. Essential oils contain dozens of powerful complex natural chemicals that have beneficial properties. Due to the diversity of essential oils and their individual therapeutic properties, the range of benefits and effects of Aromatherapy is wide ranging.
Aromatherapy treatments have both physiological and psychological effects. The combination of massage and the medicinal and therapeutic qualities of the essential oils (molecules both inhaled [aroma] and absorbed through the skin) can soothe, revitalise, uplift the spirit, encourage positive thinking and boost the immune system enabling the body to heal itself.
Aroma Touch Technique
What is the AromaTouch® Technique?
The dōTERRA ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function. The technique is simple and intuitive and uses dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.
AromaTouch® Procedure
The ArōmaTouch Technique includes four primary steps designed to minimize systematic stressors to autonomic balance. Each step includes the application of two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for well-being. The technique requires 30 minutes per application, and multiple applications can be serviced with one set of dōTERRA essential oils.
Clinical Deep Tissue Massage
Clinical Deep Tissue Massage works through tension, layer by layer, reaching the deeper muscles where persistent discomfort can be released. Much of the work is focused on bringing the body back into balance by working on the fascia—the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system of the body. The work is usually localized, and the client must be relaxed to permit the practitioner to work deeply. The pressure starts lightly, but progresses to the deepest level the client can tolerate. This approach can be either corrective or generally therapeutic.
Clinical Deep Tissue Massage targets specific areas of concern to alleviate symptoms of nerve impingement, muscle tears and sprains, and chronic muscular pain. It has been found effective in treating chronic pain, muscle adhesions (muscle fibers that stick together creating a knot or nodule), whiplash, neck and lower back pain, sciatica, and circulatory problems.
Deep Massage Work
Deep Work Massage is a unique approach to bodywork distinct from clinical deep tissue massage. Here ‘deep’ refers to the depth of the client’s positive experience, not just the amount of pressure used. The deep work massage therapist utilizes advanced techniques to systematically release the upper and lower body as well as the core. The therapist has an educated appreciation for the role of the connective tissue system in shaping the body.
The intent of the work is to provide for the client an opportunity for a powerful depth of response.
This type of Swedish massage is used to soften and elongate muscles, soothe nerves, and release tension. It is designed also to improve posture and facilitate freedom of movement. Deep work massage is effective for muscular and fascial strains and sprains, structural balance, realigning structure and energy, relieving emotional stress, and evoking inner peace.
Energetic Bodywork
Energetic Bodywork is my unique blend of hands-on therapeutic techniques which I use to help my clients alleviate pain, restore movement, reduce stress, and feel healthy.
We have an energetic body as well as a physical body. Through intuition and sensing your body's energy I am able to align both your physical and energetic body, putting you in a state of homeostasis. This is where your body is at its best state to heal itself. This work combined with massage techniques is extremely effective
Eslaen Massage
Esalen Massage is a nurturing, flowing massage that incorporates long strokes, gentle rocking, passive joint mobilization stretches, and the flow of breathing. Flowing, light-oiled strokes are intrinsic, and therapists switch between using hands and elbows for deeper work and stretches. Founded at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, this approach supports the whole person, rather than disjointed parts.
The technique is effective on several levels: slow, flowing strokes promote a sense of ease in the recipient; specific muscle kneading releases tension; passive joint movement reaffirms the sensation of spaciousness; and a nurturing, supportive relation between client and practitioner encourages the recipient to consciously sense into self, resulting in fuller breath and a deeply energized and relaxed state. Esalen massage is widely effective for clients seeking pain relief, energy release, or stress reduction. It is especially efficient in bringing back a deeper sense of wholeness in the body and mind.
Hot Stone Massage
Imagine laying on a massage table, letting your stress and anxieties melt away as your muscles are therapeutically manipulated with comfortably hot stones. A regular deep tissue massage is incredibly relaxing, but the addition of hot stones makes hot stone massage therapy an increasingly popular pick.
Hot stone massage is a specialty massage where the therapist uses smooth, heated stones, either as an extension of their own hands, or by placing them on the body while they massage other parts of the body. The heat can be both deeply relaxing and help warm up tight muscles so the therapist can work more deeply, more quickly.
Hot stone massage is an age-old healing therapy with history reaching back to ancient Egyptians. The Native American culture has long used hot stones during "sweat lodge" ceremonies as a way to facilitate cleansing both the physical body and spirit. In Hawaii, hot molten lava rocks called pohaku are used. A type of hot stone massage is also used in the traditional Ayurveda, a natural alternative healing medicine practiced in India.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release Bodywork is a gentle, hands-on form of stretching that evaluates and treats the fascial connective tissue system, which can become restricted due to overuse, inactivity, trauma, or infection, often resulting in pain and muscle tension. The function of fascia is varied, but it generally acts as a shock absorber. It creates tissue spaces and plays an important role in support, protection, separation, cellular respiration, elimination, metabolism, and fluid and lymphatic flow. It is a major area of inflammatory processes and will often change prior to chronic tissue congestion. Dysfunction in these tissues can have far-reaching effects.
The therapist applies gentle pressure into the direction of the restriction by following the motion of the tissue, barrier after barrier, with sustained pressure that supports the release. This process relieves restrictions throughout the body, promoting strength, flexibility, full range of motion, aligned posture, and fluid movement.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage is designed for women who are pregnant, and they can receive this massage at any point in their pregnancy. Kristen has had specific training in this field. The client receives the session in a side-lying position with pillows and bolsters provided for support and maximum comfort. The treatment consists of specific features of tissue sculpting, Swedish massage, joint mobilization, foot zone therapy, and connective tissue work to alleviate many of the physiological, musculoskeletal, and emotional stresses that can accompany pregnancy.
Massage during pregnancy increases blood and lymph circulation, thereby relieving swelling in the legs as well as hands. It alleviates strain on weight-bearing joints and myofascial structures to provide relief from muscle spasms and cramps. It can also relieve pain from varicosities. This treatment provides general stress reduction, allowing women to approach labor with more confidence and less anxiety.
Kristen is a Reiki Master and has been practicing Reiki since 2001. Reiki Bodywork is a Japanese hands-on healing system that works with the human energy bio-field. Reiki is also the word used to identify the healing modality that accesses the very high vibrational force in all living beings. To tap into this universal energy, or reiki, the practitioner attunes the person’s bio-energy field to accept reiki frequency. Reiki is practiced through loose, comfortable clothing. It is administered with a light touch of the practitioner’s hands upon various parts of the recipient’s body, in a pattern that promotes optimum energy balancing and enhances the natural self-healing processes.
Reiki accelerates healing of physical injuries, discomforts, and diseases. It often significantly lessens physical pain and emotional stress. It relieves mental distress and promotes spiritual clarity. Reiki is especially dynamic in the areas of physical well-being and personal growth, and it can be incorporated into a variety of healing arts.
Sports Massage Therapy
Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete's sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.
Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.
One of the key benefits of Sports massage therapy compared to other modalities is its ability to target muscle-tendon junctions. A 2010 study in the journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that even a 30-second massage improved hip-flexor range of motion. Another study conducted by Margaret Jones, Ph.D. of the American College of Sports Medicine, demonstrated a notable trend toward decreased muscle soreness in the athletes who received massage either before or after exercise.
For anyone participating in regular physical activity, Sports massage therapy every week or two may be a great addition to your normal regimen. It's best to talk with Kristen to find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.
Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage is the classic style of bodywork. Also called Western massage, it is the most popular and familiar massage method being practiced today, and it has served as a foundation for many of the massage techniques developed in recent years. Swedish massage is a scientific system of manipulations on the muscles and connective soft tissue of the body for the purpose of relaxation, rehabilitation, and health maintenance. It is comprised of five basic strokes and their variations: effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), friction (cross fiber), percussion (rhythmic tapping), and vibration.
Swedish/Western massage directly increases blood circulation, thus enhancing delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the tissues. It also increases lymph circulation, which speeds up the removal of metabolic waste and the by-products of tissue damage and inflammation. It has been reported helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and promoting relaxation.
Tigger Point Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy utilizes various methods to relieve and eliminate a hypersensitive area—known as a trigger point—in the muscle, its tendon, or fascia. Usually the trigger point is not in the area of pain, but digital pressure over the point will elicit pain in a referred area. Trauma is a common cause of trigger points, either by direct injury or excessive stretching and contraction. Once these fibrous sensitive regions form, repeated muscular stress will activate the pain in a reference zone. It is often possible to have more than one trigger point associated with a particular condition.
The trigger point is eliminated by applying direct pressure and sedating the point. Once the pain is reduced, massage can be applied to restore circulation to the area and remove the waste products. This method is especially helpful in musculoskeletal problems and with certain internal organ pain.