Acupressure Bodywork is the traditional Chinese medicine art of balancing Chi energy—the circulating life force in the body—by stimulating its healthy flow along energy pathways called meridians. Practiced through clothing, practitioners utilize finger and elbow pressure on the same meridian points stimulated with needles in Acupuncture. During treatment there is elongation of the muscle fibers, which contributes to the release of toxins and waste materials within the tissues, and an increase in the circulation of oxygenated blood, thereby promoting cellular nutrition and stronger resistance to disease.
Through acupressure, the body is rebalanced, which prompts a reduction in emotional and psychological tensions. As with most bodywork, there is a stronger sense of body awareness after a treatment. Acupressure is used to relieve pain, increase blood circulation, remove toxins from the tissues, and treat many conditions including muscular aches, sinus congestion, headaches, menstrual difficulties, and discomforts of pregnancy and labor.
Through acupressure, the body is rebalanced, which prompts a reduction in emotional and psychological tensions. As with most bodywork, there is a stronger sense of body awareness after a treatment. Acupressure is used to relieve pain, increase blood circulation, remove toxins from the tissues, and treat many conditions including muscular aches, sinus congestion, headaches, menstrual difficulties, and discomforts of pregnancy and labor.